Silk Scarves or Bonnets matter while you slumber!

A lot of women suffer from split ends, frizz, damaged and dry hair or thinning edges. These things could be avoided with keeping a consistent hair care regimen. There is so much information about hair care that I would have to break it down into separate blogs in order to keep your brain from exploding and going in information overload.

Consistency is key to anything worth having….Right?! A healthy body, good credit, running a profitable business or having healthy hair!

I’d like to encourage you that the most beneficial thing you could do for yourself is LOVE yourself! Consistent hair care maintenance aids in healthy hair which results in the ultimate HAIR SLAYAGE and that, my dear, leads to confidence!

Wouldn’t you love to be able to grow and have luxurious long, short, locs, natural, or relaxed tresses??? Needless to say, to be able to wear extensions and still have your edges when you take them out. Yep! I said it but I won’t go there, that’s another blog post!

Why do Silk scarves or bonnets matter while you slumber:

1. Prevent split ends and eliminate frizz

When hair rubs against cotton material for example, your scarf or pillow case, it causes breakage and the hair splits. The split can travel up the hair shaft and makes hair thin. Every hair strand has cuticles. When smooth the cuticle is in one direction, when pushed back the cuticle stands up on ends. If you sleep on your pillowcase without a silk scarf, you are more than likely pushing your cuticles back which results in frizz. Aha! Moment, I know!!

2. Prevent breakage and save the edges

Sleeping on cotton material causes hair to rub against the hair shaft and your edges. This causes friction. When hair is wet or dry the friction results in hair breakage. If you sleep on your side or the back you will notice hair thinning in those areas. So, day after day you lose more than the normal hair shedding. That’s not including what we do to our hair during the day: like heat damage, harsh chemicals, how we brush or comb it! Lawd Jesus, I can only imagine how much hair we are losing when damaging our hairshaft.

Silk scarves reduces the friction on hair due to the material.

3. Prevent dry hair

Silk scarves help seal in moisture. Unlike cotton material, it dries out the hair. Dry hair results in breakage.

4. Preserve your blow dry or hairstyle

The benefits of the silk scarf can also preserve your hairstyles. Whether you have a blow out, braids, or extensions. Wrapping your hair at night with a silk scarf keeps your tresses healthy and beautiful.

Please check out the links I listed which explains hair care more in depth.

Thank You for reading and feel free to follow me on social media:

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